Breast Cancer

Jodi Groff cried the day she found out she had breast cancer. Then she made a resolution: cancer was not going to dictate her life or slow her down. An avid runner and naturalist, Jodi was confident in her belief that taking care of her body would result in her body fighting for her.

Jodi's first step was to get an accurate diagnosis. A year prior, she was misdiagnosed by a doctor not affiliated with Lancaster General Health. After receiving news that a follow-up mammogram was suspicious, Jodi immediately scheduled an appointment at LG Health, based on a recommendation from her sister, a LG Health employee, who shared that specialists at Penn Medicine were working in collaboration with the doctors in Lancaster. A biopsy revealed her cancer was stage 3 and had spread to her lymph nodes.

"At first I was in a state of shock," says Jodi. Then, together, my mom and my sister and I just rallied. They were my support system throughout all of this, accompanying me to all of my appointments—my own entourage!"

The Treatment: Throwing Everything At It

Jodi made appointments at the Ann B. Barshinger Cancer Institute to see a breast surgeon and medical oncologist on the same day. The ability to see multiple specialists in the same building is one of the many conveniences there.

"They told me because of the type of cancer I had and the size of the tumor, they would have to throw everything at it: chemo, radiation and a mastectomy. I was scheduled to start treatment on my 40th birthday and I was ready. I loved all of my doctors. They were well-suited for my personality. They understood what I wanted to do and how I wanted to fight this. They got me."

Because Jodi's tumor was large, chemotherapy was used first to reduce its size. Surgery would be next, then radiation therapy.

Maintaining Her Own Pace: A Strong Spirit and Support Team

Throughout it all, Jodi kept going at her own pace, even running a 5K during her chemo.

"I actually had my best time ever. I was running three to four miles a few days a week and still working full time. I even got a promotion."

Supporting her throughout all of this was her nurse navigator, who assisted Jodi in scheduling with specialists and accessing support services, such as yoga. Jodi also took advantage of the Cancer Institute's Cancer Institute Boutique to shave her head and be fitted for a wig.

"I had long blond hair down to the middle of my back, so this was traumatic for me, but the staff there helped me through it. I still go back to see them to get my hair cut."

When it came time to schedule her mastectomy, Jodi discussed reconstruction options with her surgeon.

"I had some special circumstances in that I am very thin with low body fat. Also, because I was only having one breast removed, it was important that I have a natural look. The surgery would be complex. Fortunately, LG Health offers a sophisticated procedure that gave me the results I was looking for."

Jodi and her mom scheduled an appointment at the Cancer Institute to meet with a Penn Medicine plastic surgeon specializing in the "flap" procedure. Lancaster General Hospital is the only hospital to offer this procedure locally.

"My Penn surgeon did the first part of my surgery at Lancaster General Hospital and I then went down to University of Pennsylvania for the second portion of my surgery. The care I received at both hospitals was excellent. I knew I was in good hands."

Jodi's treatment is now complete.

"I feel good now," says Jodi. She credits some of this to healthy eating through a Paleo diet that cuts out all sugar and focuses on organics.

"There's always a chance of recurrence, but it's a small chance. I'm not one to live my life worrying. You never know what's ahead of you. One day at a time."

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